Amsshare is your quantitative solution provider

Discover our three services

We use the following software programs

Our quantitative services

ESMA-Compliant Fund KIDs

We ensure – using our pre-built models – that your fund’s KID and all ESMA-mandated calculations, including those not published in the KID but required elsewhere, are fully compliant with ESMA regulations: Commission Delegated Regulations (EU) 2017/653 and (EU) 2021/2268.

Performance Scenarios

Summary Risk Indicator

Cost tables

Historical Performance

Power BI Dashboards

We enable data-driven decision-making by enhancing data insights through interactive dashboarding.

Tailored dashboarding

Intuitive and interactive interface

User friendly

Scalable and future-proof

AI Tools

We develop tools driven by AI designed to boost innovation and efficiency. While we continue developing new tools, our first offerings are already available.

KID Compliance Tool

Prototype of the DORA ITS Tool

Other tools in development

ESMA-Compliant Fund KIDs

We ensure – using our pre-built models – that your fund’s KID and all ESMA-mandated calculations, including those not published in the KID but required elsewhere, are fully compliant with ESMA regulations: Commission Delegated Regulations (EU) 2017/653 and (EU) 2021/2268.

Performance Scenarios

Summary Risk Indicator

Cost tables

Historical Performance

Power BI Dashboards

We enable data-driven decision-making by enhancing data insights through interactive dashboarding.

Tailored dashboarding

Intuitive and interactive interface

User friendly

Scalable and future-proof

AI Tools

We develop tools driven by AI designed to boost innovation and efficiency. While we continue developing new tools, our first offerings are already available.

KID Compliance Tool

Prototype of the DORA ITS Tool

Other tools in development

Why should you choose Amsshare

ESMA-Compliant Fund KIDs

We have 3+ years of experience at a risk management consultancy firm, performing KID calculations for multiple Dutch Asset Management companies. In addition, we’ve conducted in-depth research on KID regulations, published in two of our articles. With our expertise and pre-built models, we ensure your fund’s KID is fully ESMA-compliant.

Power BI Dashboards

With Power BI experience at a Dutch bank and expertise in Big Data modelling from our Finance Master’s, we ensure tailored dashboarding and data analysis solutions specifically for your business.

AI Tools

We’re exploring AI like many others. As two young guys learning fast, with a strong feel for data and modelling, we’re developing AI tools to help your business. Our first tool – the KID Compliance Tool – is already available, and we’re ready to explore more opportunities with you.   

How it works

1) Let's get in touch

You can reach out to us via e-mail or phone to discuss your company’s needs. We’ll then schedule a brief meeting to ensure that Amsshare is the right fit for you.

2) Brief meeting

During our meeting, we explore your company’s needs in more detail and discuss how we can support your business. After our meeting, we will provide you with a proposal outling our plan, deadlines and budget.

3) Our delivery

Upon reaching an agreement, we will proceed with implementing the proposed plan. Once completed, we will reach out to provide you the deliverables and, if preferred, discuss the results with you.